This is new and so I figured that my very first blog post as d.l.b. photography should be about something that I’m sure all of us, new and old, struggle with. Do I specialize or just be a photographer? Does that mean I will only shoot one certain thing, most certainly not…I LOVE photography…I have THE BEST JOB in the world.. Having said that out loud I will tell you that there are two areas of this profound big world that have my heart…I LOVE NEWBORNS, and that would be my first passion….I struggled in the beginning with them, but was told by a wise photographer that I just had to “own it”, I couldn’t go into the session worried or timid, that the baby would be able to tell and I would walk away frustrated…Slowly but surely I studied, took classes, worked to somewhat perfect my craft and quickly learned that this part of my job would be my heart…This is what I would say I “specialize” in, for several reasons.. Have you ever met a couple that’s struggled for years and wrestled with the thought of, “Will we ever be parents?” Have you ever met the person that says, “I never ever wanted a baby until now”, have you ever looked at your baby when you bring them home and think “Wow, I made that”, then go to bed and wake up and they are 7 years old? This is why Newborns are my favorite, my heart, my love, my passion…They are just tiny miracles, chosen by God to be entrusted to us for a short period of time. They are only this small for about 2 seconds then they are grown, they change so quickly….Their tiny features sometimes get overlooked by the sleepless nights, the diaper changes, and the feeding schedules, and that’s only with one baby, lets add in the factor if this isn’t your first rodeo and you have other children to put into the mix. How fast does that baby change? How precious is that memory, that little bitty bundle of sweet goodness that just perfectly fit in your arms that way. Do I love every part of my job, oh yes, in every way, but this part is my love, my speciality…..or so I thought… Then along came another part of my journey, and I began to say, well can I call myself a newborn photographer and a 2nd shooter for a wedding photographer…WHY NOT RIGHT!!! I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to work along side some very gifted and very smart wedding photographers. Once the “Oh My Goodness I’m responsible for this” wears off, I started to realize that the range of creativity and the ability to cater to my main shooter, the bride, the groom, the family, is endless. I’m guessing this 2nd favorite part of my job was born in me. I learned not too long ago that I have a servants heart, nothing is more fulfilling than to help someone. So stepping into the roll of a 2nd shooter on a bride and grooms single most important day comes natural. I’m given the freedom to think outside the box, keep things flowing, check on, cater to, and enjoy watching two people in LOVE just LOVE each other. It doesn’t get better than that. So for the past year I’ve been given the honor to be called the 2nd shooter for Jacquie Rives Photography. To her I’m very thankful. I’ve grown, Ive learned a TON, I’ve gained not only an amazing photographer friend that I can lean on and turn to for business advice, I’ve gained an amazing life friend as well. I LOVE every thing about being a photographer, there are moments after a shoot that I sit and go thru the images and giggle to myself because I can’t believe I caught that little look, or I’ll laugh because I can hear the laughter. Every step of this journey has led me here. I’m given the opportunity to share in your lives, be it as a 2nd shooter at your wedding, your maternity, your newborn, your children, family, or senior in high schools photographer. I couldn’t ask for a better way to “work” everyday. This is a little bit of my sweet goodness..These are the parts of my job that make me LOVE it even more… xoxo D