Meet Sweet baby Holden. I always feel blessed to be included in someones newborn pictures. It’s always a blessing to be able to capture how small and sweet the baby is. All clients are special and everyone’s stories are touching, and sometimes along this road we are given the chance to meet someone that will always stick in your heart and mind. This would be the Taylor Family. Their story is POWERFUL and they are so sweet and easy to be around. I found myself right at home with their session. They are so sweet and in love with each other that capturing them was a breeze. Every child is a miracle, in this case not just Holden, but his Mommy. Going into the hospital to give birth is always excited, nervous, (insert your emotion that you felt here), but to give birth and wake up 6 days later not seeing, holding or touching your child would rank up on my top 10 of nightmare list. Melissa was told that it’s rare that it happens but that some of her amniotic fluid leaked back into her blood stream resulting in her losing a lot of blood and having to have surgery, which left her in ICU for a while. But GOD is so good, and the power of prayer is amazing. This sweet little family has the fingerprints of God all over them. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your life, and for the use of your ROCKING VW Bus!!!!! xoxo Dana
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