There is no love like the love a parent has for their child or a child for their parent. I’ve been given plenty of gifts in my lifetime, but nothing could ever compare to the gift of having my children. This is why it is such an honor to be able to capture the birth of a sweet baby. The honor is far greater when it is the birth of people that are near and dear to your heart. To know someone for 15 years, and be able to celebrate the ups and downs that life has to offer, to witness the marriage to the love of their life and then the birth of a child that is so loved on an unmeasurable level is just about enough to make your heart explode…
Purchasing Ambien Welcome to the world Sweet Jacy Rayann, and boy is there a story to be told.
The call came at 6:30 am that Beth’s water had broke and that they were at the hospital, going to try to have a baby. If you know me I get a little anxious so the preparation of the day started. I’m going to add this part of your story because it will be one that you will laugh about and if you know Jacy’s Daddy Jason, you will understand. Checking in on the progress to see when I needed to come I was asked if I could go to their house and wait for the delivery of their new iPhone 6. Being an avid apple lover I can understand not wanting to miss this and at first seemed a little strange to receive that request, however knowing Jason and later seeing his concern for his wife this was his way of placing his worries on something else. So I did drive to their house to wait for the delivery truck, (I believe in going above and beyond for my clients/friends 😉 I just missed the driver!! ) After several phone calls to UPS with the explanation that they were in the hospital having baby and no one would be there and being that it was an upgrade their old iPhones were out of memory and storage to be able to take pictures of this long awaited baby an arrangement was made to meet the driver. Going back to my going above and beyond, I did chase the UPS guy down to receive the special delivery of the iPhone 6 and safely transfer it to the hospital to help calm a somewhat over stressed almost new Daddy. There aren’t many people I would chase a UPS truck for but for Beth I would 😉 ( she will appreciate that joke)
All was well with the delivery of the iPhone and as I am typing this I’m still laughing to myself thinking that could possible be a story Apple would love to know, hey when you love a brand you love a brand.
Don’t you just love the way that she looks at him, in all the craziness at the end of the day to know you share a life with someone that in the craziest of situations looks at you with such love and understanding is more than any one person could ever hope for and strive to achieve.
Buy Zolpidem Sleeping Pills Beth is a ROCK STAR!!! Did I mention that part to you? Aside from her being very prayed for angel in Jason’s life, she’s a 3rd grade teacher that is missed by all of her students and with out fail they all sent their well wishes and hopes to see her soon!
Can U Buy Ambien Online To sit back and witness and take in the impact that someone has on others and to watch them work and try to patiently wait through what some would call the hardest pain in your life causes you to look at someone in a different light. Having been in Labor three times myself I’m sure I didn’t handle it with the grace that Jacy’s mom did. Rock Star Status! As with most perfect laid plans, they are bound to change and Jacy just wasn’t ready just yet. You never really know how strong someone can be until you witness them work for the greatest thing in life that they have accomplished this far, the birth of their child.
Zolpidem India Buy Then there’s a moment when you just know, that something so small holds everything you have to offer to someone. That something so small looks straight through your eyes into your heart and soul…There’s the first look that every mother hopes to engrain in their memory forever….
Clonazepam Purchase “In the eyes of children, we see the light God promised at creation.” Michael Gurian Thank you for the absolute honor of being able to capture such an amazing moment in your life. Welcome to the world sweet Jacy, you are loved so much by so many already. God is going to do great things through you, always know you are loved and how to love, and in the times that you find yourself wondering what love is, look into the eyes of your Mommy and Daddy and you are sure to find it there. Happy Birthday sweet girl I can’t wait to get to know you! I could over load this blog post with hundreds of pictures from her birth to Jacy’s sweet family and friends meeting her or you could watch here… Happy Birthday Jacy!!!<——-Click here to watch the slideshow. xoxo