Happy 1/2 year Jacy! | McDonough, GA

Happy 1/2 year old Jacy!!!

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This sweet little baby has been with me since her newborn session.  Milestones are so important to capture and always make me super happy to see the growth and changes.  We’ve tried to keep a few of the same set ups to show the difference a year can make.  Or for right now the difference 6 months makes.


https://www.scarpellino.com/mgto5nsujc I love love all the facial expressions she gives me in her sessions.  Wonder what she’s really thinking?

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/07srxgb IMG_7522IMG_7602She is the only baby I proudly say ROLL TIDE ROLL for, just because I love her and her sweet Mama so much…And I know if REALLY gets to her Daddy…LOL

Ambien Online Fast Delivery IMG_7515She seems happy being a Tide fan…

https://ottawaphotographer.com/dxvbz1u9s Happy 1/2 year old Miss Jacy!! I’m looking forward to the rest of your milestone sessions.



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