Brynleigh’s Birth Story | McDonough Birth Photographer I met Kellie when we both worked for the Court system.  I had the honor of photographing her maternity, and first years milestones of Big Sister Addyson.  Over this time we’ve become friends and developed a relationship that is so treasured.  Her love for her husband and his for her is powerful and to see her with her girls is moving.  When Kellie talked to me about Brynleigh’s sessions she mentioned wanting to have the birth photographed.  Umm YES please! There is something so powerful in birth, to watch God’s perfect creation is emotional, powerful, and quite frankly more than I could ever put into words.  Kellie is a CHAMP!! A ROCKSTAR and so much more, and Chris has jokes and has taken me a while to read because you find yourself wondering “is he for real or is he messing with me”.  They started Brynleigh’s birth story by calling me saying they were going to the doctor to be checked, which lead to the hospital, and her having to walk for two hours and being instant that she wasn’t leaving without delivering her baby.. LOL


Here are a few of my favorite pictures leading up to the welcoming party we had for Brynleigh.

Throughout the night we talked about the differences in their two Birth Stories, they weren’t able to hold Addyson for a while when she was born because she had to have further observation.  So Brynleigh had a completely different plan, she entered this world making a statement, exercising her lungs and letting everyone know that she was in fact here and in charge. She was all cheeks, and opinionated about having a big bow on her head and immediately drawn to her Mama and Daddy.

Happy Birthday Brynleigh Reese- born March 17th, at 2:13 am, albs and 20.5 inches Click HERE to watch her full birth story

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