Brannan Girls | McDonough, GA Children’s Photographer

Klonopin 2Mg Online How can I even begin to tell you how much fun this session was or how much  in LOVE with these two little girls I could be!! This is another family that the history has roots with me, Bailey and Aubrey’s daddy went to high school  with me and was a very good friend.  As luck would have it when he and his wife had their little girls I was the one given the honor of doing their newborn session.  I can’t tell you how easy Mandy (the girl’s mommy) makes it to love her..She’s just someone that you want to be around.  We have reached out and bounced ideas off each other for different sessions and then this one was born… Being married to a fireman myself there is a special pride and love that goes along with our “firefighter” family even if they aren’t in the same “house” or county.  So when I asked Mandy about this session concept she was very willing to give me some creative room.  I mean it takes a lot of trust to say  yes to “Hey I want to take your twin babies to the fire station, put them on the fire truck, oh and maybe let them play with their Daddy’s smelly dirty gear, and do some pictures of them.  What do you think?”..And I couldn’t be more pleased!! The images from this session touch me down to the very core of my heart and really makes my heart happy!! How could this not make you smile and tear up at the same time!

Thank you thank you thank you a million times to the Atlanta Fire Department, to Michael and Mandy for trusting me with your babies and your memories!! As always

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