Welcome to the world Camden born July 12, 2013 at 3:42 7 lbs 9 oz and 20″ long. I had the privilege of shooting Shawn and Amy’s wedding and when it came time for Camden to make his entrance in the world and excited Shawn started contacting me…He wanted to know if I would come and do pictures of him being born and also do his newborn pics.. Can you guess how long it took me to answer him…not even 2.5 seconds. Of course I would be HONORED to be there. Camden just had too much room to play around in mommy’s tummy and like to practice his summersaults because just about every other day I would get a notice please pray that Camden turns, we do not want to have to resort to a c- section. The day before they were set to induce Camden turned breech again…Prayers went up and 15 minutes later he was turned again. So we proceed along with the inducing, baby is in position, an ultrasound will be done just to verify, photographer is there we are rolling…. All in all things seemed to be going as planned. Shawn was a super supportive husband tending to all her needs, making her laugh and joking with visitors and nursing staff. Amy even found time to text and update Facebook, Superwoman is what I shall call her.
Order Zolpidem Online Uk But as with all things in life we have a plan and as believers we have to know and trust that God is in control and his plans aren’t always what ours are. So with that being said the monitoring showed that this birth story would take a different path. Camden’s heart rate couldn’t take labor, it would dip too low and stay down for too long. The Dr advised that it was in the baby’s best interest to proceed with a c-section. Obviously not what Amy had wished for or desired, she began to cry. Fear is a terrible thing and the unknown is even worse, which is when I saw something that I will NEVER for as long as I live forget. This GOD following, GOD fearing woman, laid her hands on her patient and leaned not on her own understanding but on the Great Physician’s power, she prayed for direction, for no fear and for her patient, the baby and herself…So breath taking and so powerful. After prepping Amy and taking her for surgery the next few moments would feel like forever for this photographer and Shawn…
I can’t tell you what it does to an emotional person like me to see a Daddy just break down and cry with just worry, and feeling like I just need to be be with her, does to a person. You can notice the determination in his walk as he headed back to the OR, he would be there and be strong for his wife. Just a few minutes later we are greeted by a smiling Daddy pushing his “tiny” bundle of joy up the hall. I say tiny because they were expecting a 10lb baby not 7.. This sweet little face was worth it all…Hello there Camden!!! See God works all things out for HIS greater good. Camden’s heart couldn’t take the contractions, the cord was wrapped around his neck which would have caused more problems should they have proceeded with delivery the original way. Gives me chills thinking that this is all part of the big picture, God knew him before he was here, knew this was going to happen, knew that he would be in control and that he would reaffirm Amy and Shawn’s faith in him, and help them to understand that FEAR is something that can be conquered. Thats why it’s written in his word 365 times that you shouldn’t fear because he is in control….
Crying like a baby, I am!! This is beautiful. You are wonderful! And I can’t wait until Camden can share this with his kids one day. Thank you!
This was so beautiful…Wish I would of known her during my delievery!!!