Cullen- Newborn Photographer McDonough, GA Meet Cullen!!!! Blog 1 It’s always an honor to be a part of someone’s Newborn pictures.  To capture that little life so early.  It’s even more of an honor and a privilege  when it is a fellow photographer.  I met Sandi, a couple of years ago while attending a Maternity workshop.  She was pregnant with her first child then and was one of our “models”. Sandi helped me check off a bucket list item this year by referring and assisting with my first triplet newborn shoot. BLOG 2 Doesn’t he look like such a proud big brother!!! I love everything about these images. Blog 4

Zolpidem Buy Online India Aside from Newborns just being my FAVORITE thing ever to shoot, My top favorite shots would include something that is going to just SCREAM at you when turned to a black and white image…Like these three do! IMG_9652bw

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My next favorite would be to include something that is special to the family…This daddy is a Firefighter for City of Atlanta…So this was way special! IMG_9751 My last favorite thing about newborn sessions would have to be all the macro shots of the tiny details, that change so quickly and are so easy to forget!! Cullen offered up so many opportunities to get all those treasured shots. Blog 3

Hope you guys just want to squeeze and eat him up like I did..Thanks again Sandi for sharing your boys with me and trusting me with your memories. xoxo



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  • SandiOctober 24, 2013 - 2:50 pm

    Thank you! They are so beautiful – can’t wait to get prints! Thank you for capturing these memories.ReplyCancel

Kamree | McDonough Newborn

Meet Kamree Reece welcomed by her Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother Maddox on September 9, 2013, 6.15 lbs and 19.5 inches long….



I was so super excited to do this session.  Not only have I known this little girl’s Aunts Natasha and Natalie for what feels like forever ( life of football moms), Kamree is the first baby that I shot after my mentoring weekend.  I was oozing anticipation and going over everything in my head to make sure that their session was something so special.  (All of my sessions are special, I was just praying to be able to perfect everything that I had filled my head with the weekend before).  Kamree was a complete angel, she is tiny, she slept, she posed so graceful for me and allowed me to snuggle and cuddle her some.

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Have I mentioned that Kamree is the first of 9 boys to be born in the family!!! Yes NINE you read that right. Not all brothers, before you pass out, she has tons of cousins…Can you imagine all the frilly and girlie things that will take place in this family from now on…Wait who am I kidding, did you miss my previous comment about them being a HUGE football family…She will at some point try on some football pads, but then again her Mommy is an AMAZING cheer coach too.  She will be at the field in some form or fashion you can put your money on that…  I try to include siblings in my sessions they are just as important.  They are now the protector, the best friend, the first love and in Kamree’s case her first Superhero…LOVE me some Maddox!!


Yes he is just that cute!!! This little boy has to be the quietest little boy I’ve ever met…He sat patiently playing with his toys, he asked questions and watched what was going on with Kamree and was more than willing to be my big helper when it was his turn….See the many faces of Maddox

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Can’t you just tell that he loves her…I don’t have the honor of having a Big Brother but I do have a Baby Brother and I can’t imagine that it’s too terribly different, so when I ran across this quote today I felt that it was perfect to include here…

“There’s no other love like the love for a Brother.  There’s no other love like the love from a Brother” ~ Terri Guillemets

Can’t you feel and see the love coming from him?  I can and it makes my heart sing.

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in being a newborn photographer I’ve come to realize that while all the tiny shots of the baby in every possible position are great, but parent shots have become a MUST!! Why you ask? These pictures scream the answer!!!

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You may be a sleep deprived Mom or Dad and a lot of times us as women are so hard on ourselves and the thought of having our pictures made a week after birth is horrifying.  Don’t dismiss or pass on this moment.  Kamree will only be this tiny for a minute..She fits just perfect.  It’s a moment that passes quickly but a picture that will last forever!!! Kelly and Nate from the bottom of my heart I THANK YOU a MILLION times over!! Your family is precious! Your sweet welcoming spirit and your children will be tattooed on my heart for a lifetime!!

Congrats on Kamree she is PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL!!




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  • KellyOctober 3, 2013 - 9:07 am

    Dana…..where to begin??? Saying THANK YOU is really not sufficient for what you have captured for our family. I’m so thankful it worked out for your son to be in Nate’s class and for you to know my sister n laws….those connections made it possible for us to meet you and for all these perfect pictures to be created! You are so patient, talented, and sweet spirited….all that wrapped into one person = an out of this world photographer! Thank you again for all you have done….simply stated, you are AMAZING!ReplyCancel

Brannan Girls | McDonough, GA Children’s Photographer

How can I even begin to tell you how much fun this session was or how much  in LOVE with these two little girls I could be!! This is another family that the history has roots with me, Bailey and Aubrey’s daddy went to high school  with me and was a very good friend.  As luck would have it when he and his wife had their little girls I was the one given the honor of doing their newborn session.  I can’t tell you how easy Mandy (the girl’s mommy) makes it to love her..She’s just someone that you want to be around.  We have reached out and bounced ideas off each other for different sessions and then this one was born… 

Being married to a fireman myself there is a special pride and love that goes along with our “firefighter” family even if they aren’t in the same “house” or county.  So when I asked Mandy about this session concept she was very willing to give me some creative room.  I mean it takes a lot of trust to say  yes to “Hey I want to take your twin babies to the fire station, put them on the fire truck, oh and maybe let them play with their Daddy’s smelly dirty gear, and do some pictures of them.  What do you think?”..And I couldn’t be more pleased!! The images from this session touch me down to the very core of my heart and really makes my heart happy!! How could this not make you smile and tear up at the same time!

Thank you thank you thank you a million times to the Atlanta Fire Department, to Michael and Mandy for trusting me with your babies and your memories!!

As always




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Felicity | McDonough Newborn Photographer

Miss Felicity!!! I’m pretty sure it doesn’t get much sweeter than this….

This little girls parents are very special to me…They were a bride and groom, one of my first weddings that I took on by myself.  So needless to say when they found out they were expecting Gabby contacted me to tell me she would be needing some newborn pictures…Thrilled doesn’t even cover it!!!

Felicity ROCKED out her session. She slept and posed like a champ and didn’t give me any surprises.  Her little lips and her sweet smile just warms my heart.

Not only was I super excited to do Felicity’s newborn pictures, I was able to use her to model some items that my FAVORITE vendor made for me.  Lily Mily Boutique,  She is so super talented, specializing in upscaled newborn props including, hats, headbands and little outfits.  I have NEVER been disappointed by anything that I’ve received from her.  Lisa of Lily Mily has always been open to my suggestions, willing to go over and above to get out what my vision may be if I have a custom request.  Not many people can you develop  such a relationship with that when you think of something randomly you text your thoughts to, which in turns keeps them up late at night thinking about what you sent (only Lisa will understand that).  So a HUGE and Very special THANK YOU to my fav vendor Lisa with Lily Mily Boutique.  Check her out you WILL NOT BE disappointed.

Thank you to Gabby and Kenny for sharing your sweet baby with me.

As always,



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Cassidy | Atlanta Photographer

Meet Cassidy!!! To say that I’ve known this family for what feels like forever isn’t an exaggeration.  Going all the way back to high school, yes I’m dating myself.  HA!! To look at these images I still can’t believe that she is 16…

Sometimes its good to step out of your comfort zone and attempt to do a different type of shoot…That is what makes the beauty of this profession… So when Cassidy, her Mom and I started talking about this shoot I knew that I wanted it to be a little different.  I knew that I wanted the location to be creative, funky and fun.  I knew that I wanted to mix a little bit of a “senior”of high school session with a little High Fashion because as you can tell Cassidy has a thing for clothes and shoes… Those SHOES…Still to this day my feet hurt looking at them.

So we picked Little Five Points in Atlanta and made a trip of it…We shot at several locations then took our time browsing thru some of the shops and just enjoying some good ole girl time.

I’m so thankful the opportunity to try something new.  A “shoot for the soul” as I like to call them.  Something that allows you to experiment, push yourself to think differently and to get out of that box that we so often keep ourselves in.  So thank you Cassidy and April for the chance to be apart of your lives, not just on a personal level but a business level too.  Cassidy, you are a BEAUTIFUL young woman and I’m honored to have your face in my portfolio.

As always,



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