41 Keysferry Street McDonough, GA | McDonough, Newborn Photography Studio

https://www.salernoformazione.com/gb7li7z So today happened….Even though we made the move from 34 Atlanta Street to 41 Keysferry Street over the summer, the move and the set up was a process, and well then came busy season…. Today with some of our family, a few of our best friends, The City Of McDonough Administrator, and the sweet ladies of the Main Street McDonough Program we had our official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the studio.


https://www.fogliandpartners.com/z2aba4k Some of you may not know, but the studio now shares space with my insanely talented husband Chris, owner of The Door Guy.  It houses his Garage Door show room, so if you are in need of any garage door needs be sure to check him out.  It’s been an experience to have this space together and to watch how both of our dreams and business have grown into what they are now.


https://www.mdifitness.com/czhhbc3ya We started this process in July, I tried really hard to embrace CHANGE..that is very hard for me, but this move is proving to be the best decision and all laid out by God.  We are super excited to be on the square of McDonough, in a town that I LOVE and grew up in, and in a place that I can see growth and potential.  Below I’m going to show you a few pictures of the studio and a short video of our process of getting it to where it is now.  Come see me sometime…..

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